DJ Mama - Mix music with PC keyboard

07 May 2017

Hi! Let me introduce DJ Mama. From it’s name you can guess it has something to do with DJaying. Yes, you can play and mix music, change its’ tempos and adjust volume levels.

OK, kindly watch the video below to get a glimpse of DJ Mama.

DJ Mama was purely built using python. It primarily feeds on pygame and vlc.


  1. Python 2.7 - click here to download
  2. Pygame - a python library
  3. VLC media player - Get it at

Step 1

Download zip or clone the project repo from

$ git clone

Step 2

$ apt-get install python-pygame
$ python

Step 3

I have loaded three tracks for you. You can change them as per your desire. Place the tracks which you want to load in the project’s root directory. Edit file and replace the file names with your track names.

#first row
p = vlc.MediaPlayer("all.mp3")
#middle row
t = vlc.MediaPlayer("good.mp3")
r = vlc.MediaPlayer("move.mp3")

Bring out the DJ in you!
Happy DJaying :)